Sunday, April 24, 2005

Quickie Blog

4 mintues til gametime, Cubs-Bucs, gotta make it quick. Spent hours of my night tossing and turning trying to sleep. Not even the calming tunes of Jack Johnson couldn't put me to sleep. Somehow I woke up under the covers, as in under the bed sheets as in I was touching the mattress. That was really weird. I was gonna go to the library to get some poetry, but I found some online to work with. Um...let's see. I couldn't sleep last night, I miss everyone that left the floor this weekend. I hope they're having more fun that I had last night, which really shouldn't be that hard to accomplish. Bears draft: Cedric Benson, I wanted Cadillac, c'mon, the dude's name is cadillac, cadillac is the bears sponsor, a match made in heaven. it one 1 minute til game time. Cubs vs. Pirates, Kerry goes for win #1, hopefully latroy hawkins doesn't show his face at Wrigley ever again. Bulls vs. Wizards game 1 of the playoffs at the UC. Hopefully Gordon is Jordan-like and can pull the Bulls to victory. Game time now, have a wonderful day. Made it just in time, and there go the Cubs!!!!

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