Monday, March 05, 2007

A Poem About The Cubs, Written By A Cubs Fan

Once again, I reiterate writing rule #1...WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT! And sure, a lot of my poetry comes from the anger, frustration and overall non-happy moments from my life; but I'm trying new stuff. Granted, a poem about the Cubs isn't the best start. They're definitely frustrating to watch. When they lose I'm angry. And when they suck, I'm pretty unhappy. With that said, here's a rondeau written about my favorite team, the Chicago Cubs.

The Game We Play (At Wrigley Field)
By Luis C. Medina

At Wrigley Field the Cubbies lose
amidst the heckles, jeers and boos.
“How did they lose?” They found a way
to anger those who watch them play
in another loss, not good news.

In the bleachers fans drink the booze,
you tell them stop, and they refuse.
The damn Cubs lost again today
at Wrigley Field.

The manager they will accuse
of mismanagement and misuse
of players, to the fans dismay.
Like why did he play Derrick May?
They need players that can produce
at Wrigley Field.

P.S.- For the non-Cubs fans, Derrick May was a Cub left fielder in the early-to-mid 90s. He could've been good. *Sighs* a familiar refrain for Cubs fans.

Chicago Cubs: 2007 Or Bust Because In Lou We Trust!!!!

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