Thursday, January 19, 2006

Small Changes

Well now that the 3rd day of school is over, I've made some minute changes that hopefully will help me do better this semester. First of all, it starts at night with a solid sleep pattern. I plan to be in bed by 12:30 (at the latest 1 am) and I plan to wake up around 9 am. It gives me a good solid block of sleep, gives me time to eat breakfast before my classes (11 am and 1 pm on certain days) and gives me time to read the newspapers online. I plan to get to class at least 10-15 minutes early when I can so I look prepared at least. When I'm at class, I'm starting to sit closer to the front of the class, I feel I'm more focused when I'm up front.
Funny thing of the day was when I learned my teacher was a Cardinals/Rams fan and a kid "sneezed" Go Cubs. Of course I blessed him. And then there was another kid who took my role as the confrontational Cubs fan. I already like my section. And oh yeah, I'm already comments like we live in a republic not a democracy. Which is true, but it is not what the book says. I got to take my 4pm nap now so ill holla.....

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